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What is the difference between addon, subdomain and parked domain?

Domain name

If you want to buy a webhost, you must know the meaning of Add-on Domain, Subdomain, and Parked Domain, as wrong webhost choice might cause a dissatisfaction later on.

An addon domain is a fully functional domain that can be created from within your control panel. In order to create an Addon domain, you need to own a new domain name that will open the additional website hosted on your account. Using Addon domains you can host more websites on your account and share the abundant features of the hosting plan 

A subdomain utilises the existing main domain name. A sub domain points to a folder in your public_html directory of your main-domain.It’s an easy way to create a memorable Web address for unique content areas of your site. For example, you could create a subdomain for pictures on your site called "pics" that is accessible through the URL in addition to

A parked domain  is an additional domain which you host on your account. Parked Domain includes one simple page. If the site is intended for development, the page will indicate it is under construction or coming soon. parked domain can be renewed annually, and there is no deadline as to when a site need be developed. 

Order your Domain Name

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