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How much disk space and traffic do I need for my website ?



Many hosting companies trick you into buying an expensive web hosting space that may exceed your needs, that’s why calculating how much disk space and Traffic you need is very important.

Disk space or storage size refers to the amount of hard disk space the hosting company offers for your web pages. A monthly traffic is the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the traffic is usually expressed in bits or bytes. Traffic  is the limit placed on the amount of data that can be transferred each month to and from your websites. Whenever someone downloads a file or view a picture that you host on your account that uses up Traffic. That costs your hosting provider money and they pass that cost on to you.

The amount of hard drive space your files take up multiplied by the amount of people that access them each month equal your monthly traffic usage. First thing you have to do is to determine your total site file size. This is required because most providers will charge you extra or suspend your account if you go over your limit.

If you use Windows Explorer or Linux it is easy to find out your storage space. There is a control panel installed on your server where you can find all the information regarding disk space, monthly Traffic,  IP Address and so on and so forth.  Just reach your control panel and check the information you need.

So, how much disk space and monthly traffic do you need to host your sites? That depends on a variety of factors;

Do you plan to host a lot of big downloads?  Maybe a bunch of videos, audio clips or pictures, or maybe you want to play your favorite game online (like Minecraft ). All of these can quickly consume your disk space and Monthly traffic.

Some hosting companies like World Cloud Hosting, offer Unlimited Traffic for such big downloads which may spare you the trouble of internet interruption.


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